
Solar Street Lights

Project Overview: In Burundi, GSKM Synergy has implemented an extensive solar street lighting project across key urban and rural areas. These solar-powered street lights are designed to provide reliable and sustainable lighting solutions, enhancing safety and visibility during night-time hours.

Impact: This project has had a transformative effect on the communities, improving public safety, reducing energy costs, and supporting sustainable urban development. The Solar Street Lights have not only increased night-time visibility but also contributed to a significant reduction in carbon emissions by replacing traditional, energy-intensive lighting systems.

Solar Farms

Project Overview: In addition to street lighting, we have also developed a 20 MW solar farm in Burundi. This solar farm is designed to supply clean and renewable energy to local communities, reducing the dependency on non-renewable energy sources.

Impact: The solar farm has provided a stable and sustainable energy source for thousands of homes and businesses, significantly reducing the carbon footprint and promoting energy independence in the region. This project has also created numerous jobs during the construction and operational phases, stimulating the local economy.


Solar Street Lights

Project Overview: GSKM Synergy has deployed solar street lighting systems in several cities and towns across Uganda. These systems utilize high-efficiency LED lights powered by solar panels, ensuring continuous operation even in remote and off-grid areas.

Impact: The installation of Solar Street Lights has greatly improved night-time safety and security in Ugandan communities. These lights have reduced the incidence of accidents and crime, creating safer environments for residents. Additionally, the solar lighting systems have decreased the operational costs for municipalities by eliminating the need for grid electricity.

Solar Farms

Project Overview:We have established a 30 MW solar farm in Uganda, aimed at providing renewable energy to underserved regions. This solar farm harnesses the abundant solar resources available in Uganda, converting them into clean electricity.

Impact:The solar farm has played a crucial role in reducing the country’s reliance on fossil fuels, cutting down greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting sustainable energy practices. It has also enhanced energy access in rural areas, contributing to overall economic growth and development.


Solar Street Lights

Project Overview: In Zimbabwe, GSKM Synergy has undertaken a comprehensive project to install Solar Street Lights in both urban and rural locations. These Solar Street Lights are equipped with advanced technology to ensure maximum efficiency and durability.

Impact: The solar street lighting project has significantly improved public safety, reducing the risk of accidents and crime after dark. The energy-efficient lighting has also cut down on electricity costs for local authorities, allowing for better allocation of resources towards other essential services.

Solar Farms

Project Overview: Our flagship project in Zimbabwe is a landmark 200MW solar farm. This large-scale installation is designed to provide a substantial amount of clean energy to thousands of homes and businesses throughout the region.

Impact: The solar farm in Zimbabwe has drastically reduced the region's carbon footprint, contributing to environmental conservation and climate change mitigation. It has also enhanced energy stability and reliability, fostering economic growth and development. The project has generated significant employment opportunities, both during the construction phase and in ongoing operations, further benefiting the local community.